Monday, December 10, 2007

****Golden Rules****

There are several Golden Rules every participant of high yield income program shall follow. Disregard of these rules may lead to the fact that instead of the expected incomes the investor loses all his/her savings and turns out to be in debt. The Golden Rules are not just made up; they have been developed during years of participation in HYIP and are tested by the most effective method of trial and errors. Observing the Golden Rules you get a possibility to minimize the risks, maximize your profit and avoid fraud to the extent possible.

The first rule says: never waist more money than you can afford. Remember, there is sense to invest only extra money you usually spent on luxury items into high yield income projects only. Never risk the money you usually spent on first priority goods. It is very unwise to invest money into HYIP that are to pay your hosing bills. High Yield Income Projects are always risky and it is dangerous to risk the money you need to support yourself.

The second Golden Rule: don’t be greedy. Do not allow the greediness to blind you. Even if you regularly get the program’s earnings during several months it is not the reason to mortgage your house or take a credit under unbearable interest. No one can guarantee that the project well-functioning today will not be closed tomorrow. You may find yourself with nothing if you spent your money recklessly. Do not believe the huge interest. As a rule, they show that the project is false or is a kind of pyramid. Remember, 30-50% of monthly income is a rather adequate percentage. If you are promised to be paid more than 200% of your investment, you can be sure it is fraud.

The third Golden Rule: never deal with spam. Even if the program provides huge referral payments never try to attract additional users via spam. It can only damage you and your project.

The fourth Golden Rule: keep your password information secret. The most frequent mistake of an investor-beginner is the use of one and the same password for different HYIP. So you give the offenders a possibility to get access to confidential information. It is even worse, when you use the same password in high yield projects and electronic payment systems. The offenders always collect passwords being registered in the users’ projects. After that they try to access electronic purses using them. Creating your password think about making it hard to trace. Use the passwords containing several words containing symbols of different registers and numbers.

Finally, the fifth Rule: always analyze in detail the project you are interested in. Only by studying all aspects of the project’s activity, by checking all information and analyzing additional information you may create a provisional conclusion: whether it is a fraud or honest business. If you miss the analysis stage and recklessly invest your money in the first project you got interested in, in the event it gets suddenly closed you would blame only yourself. Do not disregard any of these rules. Only by observing them you may effectively minimize the risks. The investment market does not tolerate the investors who act blindly, try to play not following the simplest rules.

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